"Am I Taking Crazy Pills? It Really Says That!?"
That's what my friend and fellow Marine, Joe, said a few months ago when I sent him the conclusion from a Department of Veterans Affairs study on veteran suicides that read:
"Killing experiences are not routinely examined when assessing suicide risk. Our findings have important implications for conducting suicide risk assessments in veterans of war."
The VA's sole purpose is to provide care to our Nation's veterans due to veterans' unique circumstances and experiences. How can the VA have not included "killing experiences" as part of suicide risk assessments of veterans? It is no wonder that at least 22 veterans are killing themselves each day, with 22 a day most likely being an underestimate as it is based on partial, incomplete and non-uniform reporting from only 21 states, or that more than 60% of veterans are not registered with the VA.
If your Thanksgiving travels, the weather or your family haven't made you drive your head through the wall yet, then this VA study will.