Greetings, brother:

I'm currently suspended from X, so my comments will be confined to here and YT for the next week or so.

Thanks for your vital work, and major kudos on making it to the UN floor. The world needs to understand what a vital, burning issue with so many Americans, and how any of us simply turning a blind eye is as unacceptable as the ongoing attrocities, and the US enablement.

This is a defining moment for humanity. Your words should resonate across the world. I encourage anyone reading my words to share Capt. Matt Hoh's.


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Thank you so much John. I hope your suspension on X is a short one :)

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You're welcome, sir. Thanks for your continued moral crusade. Only six more days to go. LOL

Apparently, when a group of collective sellouts commit treason and war crimes, they don't care much for being called out on it. (But I think it was the "I hope I live long enough to see you all hang." comment that drew the 'hate speech' flag.) 😆

"Hate" doesn't begin to describe the level of contempt I have for #ChildKillers -- and especially those who enable it in our name.

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The obscenity is not our speech it is their actions

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Indeed. What sort of American would I be, if I chose to sit quietly while my govt enables genocide -- while selling out the very people whose taxes and offspring are their provision?

I actually disputed the suspension, but all they do is ignore you. (Thus, keeping me silent.)

Deleting that post was a turd I got force-fed, if I wish to continue being part of this conversation on X.

So, Matt, do you think Musk is a covert Control asset?

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Kudos to you, and that's bigger than my criticism which is the paradoxical:

"I do not condone or support Russia’s invasion. Although provoked, it is a preemptive war that violates international law and is a strategic error. However, it must be noted that Russia attempted negotiations in 2021, 2022 and 2023, efforts that may have prevented, concluded or frozen this war if those diplomatic offers had been responded to in kind."

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As a Marine vet in the same generation, I have to say I finally feel represented. Thanks, you're not alone.

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Brilliant in every respect! Alas, these days there are no politicians of any stature in Washington, DC who have anywhere near your integrity. There used to be such people way back when. JFK, George McGovern, Wayne Morse, even Robert Byrd late in his career, come to mind. But nowadays the blob in DC is inhabited by contemptible cowards and war mongers, one and all. Thank you for your steadfastness and bravery. Unfortunately, such a display of human decency is rare nowadays.

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Thank you Charlie, I wish I could argue with you. We have Tlaib and Bush, but most Americans unfortunately aren’t going to pay attention to them. Sanders and AOC have been weak and inconsistent, hoping I think for it to end before getting put on the spot too much. And it’s hard to think of others.

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I appreciated the Judge posting your speech. Well done.

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I appreciated that too! Thank you!

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Thank you, Matthew, for your speech and the work you are doing. Greetings from Germany, where we have at least parts of the governing coalition, which are pushing for further escalation.

Your speaking on behalf of nearly all of the 8 Billion people and future generations.

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Thank you Dieter

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Beautifully done, Matt. Your words will undoubtedly resonate with tireless ICAN advocates and anyone hoping for a future for all of us. Thank you, my friend.

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Thanks Gene

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Thank you, sir, for your tireless pursuit of peace through persuasive eloquence!

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Thank you Matt!! Keep up the great work! I shared this substack post on my page: https://m.facebook.com/NCPeaceDog and NC Peace Action shared your video: https://www.facebook.com/ncpeaceaction Peace, Gratitude, and Goodwill ~ Scott

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Well said, Matt! Thank you.

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Thanks Julie!

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I always look forward to your work. Thanks. I have shared the link to your article on my Substack.

A Skeptic War Reports


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Thank you!

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Thank you Matt. I added a recommendation as well.

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Well said and well done, Matt.

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Thanks Bill

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Thank you Mr. Matt. That was a clear, clever and well argued assessment. Clearly in the opposite direction of what some governments in NATO - specifically those providing weapons and money into the slaughter - want to hear, of course.

Allow me, please, to have a quick look into some history in order to have some understanding about the background of this geopolitical political theater.

After the fall of Constantinople, Europe was broken. After 5 centuries of terrorist crusades sent to the Middle East to take over the place and riches as a final prize. The same military movement - originally one of the first primitive MSM manipulation as we know it - primarily designed to save Christ (after one thousand of years of his own Crucifixion) as an excuse to enlist the masses as a cannon fodder. The Crusade movement gave birth to the first banks in Europe around 1250 AC. As one of many collateral effects coming from ill-advised movements, there is the setback unknown back in the day till it is too late to fix it. Something which cannot be grasped by common crusaders, lords and European kings originated from the rubble of the Roman Empire destroyed by angry pagan peasants - secular nations (so ancient as the world itself) can hold their ground against tyrants for centuries. They have nowhere to go besides the fact that they consider themselves as a part of the landscape where they were born. They don't forget what they have been through. They can take quite sometime to rise up to the challenge of kicking out the invader from their lands but eventually they will succeed no matter how many bombs and armies are sent there.

After the Crusades, in the first century, after 1492, Europe had some small groups of resistance inside of circles of power resisting against the idea to kill entire native civilizations again just to take it over. It costs a lot of money, if they can defend themselves. But there was none able to defend. The resistance and the psychological "sin" involved in killing innocents dissipated overnight.

So, from the North to the South of the continent, another civilization was formed over the top of 50 millions of corpses of native indigenous Americans slaughtered by Europeans. Settlers were provided without distinction. Prisoners, beggars and all sort of rejected people not wanted in Europe came; but it would not be enough to populate and to conquer it. So slavery came back as an elite interests lifesaver again. Millions of free African citizens made the Atlantic crossing being beaten, tortured and killed in ships. The lucky ones who survived the trip would have the privilege to work as a slave till death.

500 years have passed. The first reasons and motives to come to America are forgotten. Specially fleeing from the reach of kings and the church.

So, how can we introduce the teachings, debate and explanations related to the dangers of nuclear annihilation to the troublemakers warmongers at the top and to the common rabble at the bottom reelecting and enabling tyrants who look after us as an insignificant and irrelevant part in the equation? You cannot. History repeats itself and each time it gets worse.

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