A Palestinian jew crucified by occupiers ; a Palestinian child starved to death by occupiers.

and someone somewhere adds a little cash to their portfolio of defense stocks.

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Pure Evil!

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Thank you for your thoughts and thank you for speaking truth to power this past week. And when I say power, I must qualify that as material, earthly power. Indeed, you recognize evil, that’s what I see as well. But I see human souls who have opened themselves to a greater even which has coerced and bent them to ends which have ended up enslaving them and it has cost them their humanity. I have begun praying for them. For miracles which would help them to open their eyes to this truth and to the possibility of repentance. It’s hard to imagine how this could be, but as a Christian, I believe God sends the rains for the righteous as well as the wicked.

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What your comment infers -- and accurately so, I believe -- is that where we stand with regard to the IDF's slaughter of the defenseless is a decision with eternal consequences.

So many who operate self-righteously under the Christian banner view "God's Chosen People" as capable of doing no wrong. Regardless of what Israel does, it's morally justified. I've tried to reason with many of these folks; it's frustrating.

Two things they forget about Jesus Christ: His warning about being offense to children, and; His striking down the fig tree, because it bore no fruit. People seem to have forgotten how to judge a tree by the fruit it produces ... or perhaps it's just too uncomfortable to view that fruit through a clear lens.

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well said.

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Thank you, dear Matthew Hoh, for your emotional courage in writing this, for your compassion, your clarity, your eloquence. The holy is desecrated every day and night in blood-soaked Gaza, famous for the cloth for wounds - gauze.

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Its now known that approx 70% of the weapons come from U.S. Israel is the capo doing the bidding of the godfather.

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Perhaps; but, if so, I'm not sure the US is the Godfather.

It was a Rothschild embedded in the British Crown who financed and orchestrated ISRAEL INCORPORATED's creation and establishment. Even doing the necessary bribing and arm twisting in the UN, in order to get their original portion of Palestine.

The US is similarly a British Crown Corporate Holding. All US Courts are granted their authority through British Maritime Law.

The really big fish school together in THE CITY OF LONDON, INC. and, of course, in Vatican City.

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Thank you Matthew for this profound reflection. To me Good Friday is the take home message of Christianity, the willingness/courage to oppose a brutal repression in the name of compassion for the marginalized. Thank you for your writing which helps to frame our urgent work to change our country’s values and role in the world.

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I've read virtually everything Wendell Berry, the peaceful prophet of Kentucky, has ever written. My favorite novel of his is "Jayber Crow." In it, Jayber says this, “Christ did not descend from the cross except into the grave. And why not otherwise? ... He must forebear to reveal His power and glory by presenting Himself as Himself, and must be present only in the ordinary miracle of the existence of His creatures. Those who wish to see Him must see Him in the poor, the hungry, the hurt, the wordless creatures, the groaning and travailing beautiful world.”

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Thank you🙏

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Where are all the liberals who marched with the Black Lives Matter banner a few years ago? In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ:

All Lives Matter including Palestinians. Where are all the Christians? Did not Jesus Christ say: "What you do for the least of my brethren, you do for me".

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Beautiful meditation.

"A lone Palestinian Jew was crucified in Jerusalem by an occupying power 2000 years ago and a six-year-old Palestinian Muslim boy was starved to death by an occupying power yesterday in Gaza City. Their deaths, the cost of opposition to occupation, and their betrayals, for the same reasons of money and power, are as human as any condition. Eli, Eli, lema sabachthani? Their martyrdoms haunt our species just as Whitman’s words haunt my impossible prayers for their relief. "

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"However, I do not wish on this most holy of days to feign a belief I do not have, although it is one I aspire to. I do not believe in the risen Christ. Maybe someday I will, I would greet Him eagerly."

This may sound strange (or maybe not), my brother, but

You are doing His work.

Don't think His heart isn't breaking, as He looks upon the heartless debauchery, the unceasing terror and unthinkable barbarism visited upon the most innocent and defenseless of His children.

Man has free will, and we are all essentially prisoners in this temporal, physical domain to which Lucifer was cast.

The Holy Bible -- even in Its current hacked and edited form -- records multiple episodes where God spoke to people through non-believers, heathen and even a jackass. Although you have yet to open your heart to Him and ask Him to grace you with His presence, Matt, understand that His Holy Spirit has spoken through you.

The message you delivered on St. Patrick's Day put me on my knees: crying to God for an end to the insanity, the suffering of His children and our collective tolerance of it. What dropped me was His Spirit hitting me like a wave. Through your words, God was pleading with humanity, brother.

You may not have accepted the risen Christ, yet but understand two things:

Whether you choose to believe it or not, more than 1000 people witnessed Jesus after His resurrection (and historians overwhelming view The Holy Bible as the most accurate historical document ever authored),


God has His eye on you, Matthew Hoh. Otherwise, His Holy Spirit wouldn't be inhabiting your words!

Even when you weren't aware, He was protecting you. He had you picked for delivering His words, at such a moment as this -- and you came through! You delivered on an assignment for which you didn't know you were commissioned ... or, maybe ...

What drove you to pen and deliver those words was you responding to that very call ...

But, at your darkest moments -- where it seemed like all was lost, or that the evil which you confronted would destroy you -- His hand was upon your life, Matt. He has plans for all of us. We are a connected, interdependent species. Often, as in the case of Moses' early days, He works through men SIMPLY BECAUSE THEY ARE WILLING.

Ask His Spirit to reveal Himself to you. Once it sweeps over you, any doubts you've held will quickly depart.

He has big plans for you, bro -- and you've been in the middle of them simply for having the morals, courage and boldness to speak out against such wanton attrocities. God's not looking for perfection; just someone who's willing to act on their convictions and follow His lead.

He's allowed you to get this far because, even unknowingly, you've been doing His work. Once you receive Him -- and in all your ways acknowledge Him -- where your journey will expand.

You have already proven yourself to be a willing servant, simply by being true to the calling He's placed on your life, Matt.

Maybe, even, His magnificent Holy Spirit is inhabiting these words.

My prayer for you, brother, is that He will reveal Himself to you, and you come to commune with Him on a personal level.

The fact that you and I are both still here is evidence that He still has assignments for each of us to carry out.

Sorry for going on for so long. It's indeed an honor for me to have made your virtual acquaintance, my Irish brother!

Warmest regards & best wishes, always!,

John M

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Wonderful. Thank you Matt

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Vividly uniquely moving.

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I appreciate your honesty. Your aspirations of faith are more sweet and pure than many a ‘Christian’ I know. I’ve lived in the region for a year and a half now. Nothing has challenged my faith in God and people. It’s stripped away all but a devotion to Jesus and his way of love.

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Neither the US or Israel is the godfather. The NWO/WEF and their elitle ilk are the one's calling the shots, just as they did on 9/11. The similarities are undeniable. The end is a carbon copy of "justification for the usurpation of human rights".

But, lets be fair and acknowledge that Hamas has mismanaged Gaza and shares blame for the horrible conditions of the people they are charged with governing. Rather than ensure food and infrastructure, they built tunnels and secured weapons in their deranged goal of wiping Israel off the map.

There's plenty of blame to go around. The state of Israel certainly shares much of it, in terms of destruction and lives taken since Oct 7th...which they knew was coming...in detail...and let it happen. Just as they foreknew what would occur on 9/11 and let it happen. As it all helps drive their scenario.

Be assured, the state of Israel, like their historical fathers in Jesus' time, are children of their father the devil. Just as most of the leadership of modern nations today that are bending the knee to the NWO/WEF and paving the way for Antichrist.

Its long since past the time for repentance. The anniversary of Jesus raised from the dead is tomorrow. Soon, we'll be celebrating His return to set the world straight. Are you ready for that?

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The only reason any and all of this is happening is because The American Peoples have done and are doing absolutely nothing to stop it from happening.

Just like they have done nothing to stop America's War On Russia in Ukraine from happening.

Just like they did nothing to stop "The Forever War" in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Syria, Yemen, and so on and so forth from happening.

If the United States doesn't survive to celebrate its 250th birthday on Jul 4, 2026 [826 days from today], one major reason for it will be what this Nation has done all over this Planet since 9/11, and the complete and total failure of the American Peoples to force their government to Cease and Desist.

Thus, the first Critical Question at this point is: SHOULD the United States survive to celebrate USA-CCL? And if so, WHY?

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And the next Critical Question is: So what CAN the American Peoples do to end the Genocide in Palestine and the Slaughter House in Ukraine? Or to cancel the pending planned and programmed War with China? Anything?

When is the last time the American Government listened to anything the American Peoples have had to say about anything? Especially about all of America’s Wars?

Since 9/11, that Government hasn’t had to listen to anything the American Peoples have had to say about those Wars because nothing was being said and DONE then; just like nothing is being said and DONE by those Peoples now.

So again: What CAN the American Peoples do to end the Genocide in Palestine and the Slaughter House in Ukraine? Or to cancel the pending planned and programmed War with China? Anything?

Anybody got any ideas?

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Thank you, Matt. So well said. A necessary haunting of the soul to remind us to stay present to the suffering of innocents. I resist the word “evil” as well, but then consider how could it be hyperbolic in these dark days? And wonder if it’s enough.

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