I agree that the horrific results of the useless wars the U.S. has been part of abroad will inevitably come home & hit us in the face. The only ones that benefit from these pointless massacres abroad are the military industrial complex & the politicians who approve these wars. The only wars we need to fight in this country are the: war on poverty, the war for healthcare for all, the war for a living wage, the war for affordable housing, etc. We need to start a peace movement & not silently let this govt continue wars abroad that will come home & hit us in the face.

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Jul 15Liked by Matthew Hoh

Matthew I hadn’t seen this SNL clip until this day! It really needs to be shared as it’s so indicative of the situation today.

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Credit to my brother for reminding me of it

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Somehow as I watch this story unfold, it feels like history is repeating itself. Assassinations of major figures have happened throughout our modern history. Investigations seem to point to powerful people behind the assassin who is used to commit these crimes in their name because they were emotionally unstable and could be manipulated that way.

I could be very wrong, but all of this is so interesting, as this drama is revealed.

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Absolutely Carole.

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Jul 16Liked by Matthew Hoh

Matthew Hoh has much to say

to an America that has lost its way.

As we head into an election

with no acceptable selection,

take the time to LISTEN UP today.

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Jul 16·edited Jul 16Liked by Matthew Hoh

JD Vance once described Trump as "America's Hitler." I guess he must be responsible for creating the conditions that led to the assassination attempt. But wait a minute. Lo and behold, that qualifies him to be the VP pick! So, let's get something straight. Electoral politics for US president is nothing more than a grotesque spectacle, a freak show, that has nothing to do with addressing the existential crises facing this country and the world, which are 1) how to reverse the climate breakdown before it destroys life on this planet; 2) how to reverse plutocratic rule and create an egalitarian society; and 3) how to dismantle the military-industrial complex and peacefully transition to a multi-polar world and eliminate nuclear weapons . Neither Biden nor Trump have any intention, much less a plan, to deal with these three crises. Trump and Biden are symptoms, not causes, of the rotten and corrupted hyper-capitalist system. They are the detritus that has been vomited up by the system. Pick your poison. But just remember---it's ok for some people to call Trump "America's Hitler."

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Far better than the new 'Beverley Hills Cop'!

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Fighting for "freedom and democracy." Smedley Butler would have something to say about that.

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They already are coming home in my opinion. We see it in the "they should have complied" mentality as i wrote in the below article and it will only get worse as the Military industrial complex increasingly sees the oppression of American citizens as a profit avenue


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Tragic stuff. Buckwheat had so much promise ... snuffed out in his (not ready for) prime ...

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There is absolutely no point in putting on videos without subtitles...............I am deaf as many millions of us are. See to this please.

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I can’t add captions to a video owned by Saturday Night Live, sorry

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Your statement out of the gate, using the phrase "genocide of the Palestinian people", is telling. The IDF is targeting members of Hamas for extinction, NOT the Palestinians in general. Hamas is a cancer within the Palestinian people and, like all cancers, needs to be eliminated for the health and well-being of the Palestinian people.

Try being factual, and less incendiary.

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Jul 15Liked by Matthew Hoh

... less incendiary ... They are blowing children to bits and maiming them for life by the thousands. That isn't incendiary. It is fact. Open your eyes.

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Israel is at war, and fighting for its very existence against an enemy that has openly and publicly declared their goal is to wipe Israel and all Jews off the face of the earth. Those are undeniable facts.

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The most existential threat to Israel is its own government--on so many levels. The world at large is appalled, and the apologists for genocide must peddle an unending stream of lies. I suppose you think as well, Biden is a great humanitarian and foreign policy genius.

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Jul 15·edited Jul 15

LOL...Biden is a geriatric imbecile and conman.

Clearly you ate NOT a student of history with regard to Israel and the Hebrews.

The World at large is appalled...yeah, the world of far Left extremists, the bought and paid for media schills.

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Jul 16·edited Jul 16

Having studied the book of Joshua, I think I have some historical perspective of the “divine right” to impose genocide. Such “divine right” whatever the century or country has been racist and genocidal. As far as my poor grasp on Jewish/Hebrew history, by your reckoning, I seem to be in good company: Phyllis Bennis, Max Blumenthal, Ellen Cantarow, Noam Chomsky, Chas Freeman, Glenn Greenwald, Katie Halper, Matthew Hoh, Patrick Lawrence, Aaron Mate, Doug Macgregor, Ray McGovern, John Mershiemer, Jeffrey Sachs, Israel Shahak, Lawrence Wilkerson to name a few—hardly media shills.

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You cannot understand Joshua and the destruction of the numerous "...ites" tribes without understanding Genesis 6 and the Nephilim. These were not humans, but human/fallen angel hybrids

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The death toll of Palestinian people by Israel could reach 186,000 according to The Guardian. These include women & children not Hamas. So who is the real cancer here? Who is committing a real massacre/genocide/holocaust here? Israel & we, the people in the U.S. are paying for this genocide with our taxes.

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Guadian is not worth repeating...the numbers are far higher and that's without counting the dead under the buildings.

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Whatever the Guardian reported, it was only stating what the Lancet had published in its medical journey.

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Thank you, I agree with every word of your comment, and i don't normally go around quoting The guardian..

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The vast majority of those deaths are due to Hamas' illegal and immoral practise of hiding their fighting forces among the civilian population. This is specifically against the Geneva Conventions.

The IDF does their best to avoid civilian casualties. Whereas Hamas deliberately sacrifices their civilians in order to fill TV screens with bloody women and children in order to garner support from the rest of the world.

In WW2 American bombers chose daylight bombing raids to try to avoid bombing civilian areas vice war production factories and bases. Whereas the Brits bombed under cover of night, indiscriminately, causing such atrocities as Dresden.

But, we all look the other way because it was War, and it was against the Nazis.

We can at least hand it to the Nazis, in that they (for the most part -- maybe excluding the SS) didn't hide behind women and children. Unlike Hamas

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The real Nazis or fascists are the IDF, Netanyahu & the rest of those in power. They are the ones committing genocide not Hamas.

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You're listening too much to Liberal media

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AJ Heinrich. You really need to listen or read something other than mainstream media.

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It's mainstream media that is pushing your narrative

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Really? Interesting that you seem to KNOW me!

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You can never kill an ideaology. Just and excuse for Israel to take more land for themselves.

Hope your kid is not pulled from the rubble one day, half dead!

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