"No nation is immune from incompetence and corruption in its leadership, military, and industry, and the Iranians may be as bad off as the Americans are in that regard. Regardless, the expectation should be that the Iranians have taken the threat from the US seriously and are ready for it."

As well as Iran should have taken it seriously. If the US starts a war with Iran (and its allies in BRICS), they will have bitten off more than they can chew. Expect the US to get chewed up and then spit out. That's why it's imperative for the US to never go to war with Iran. We really don't know what we're getting ourselves into and by the time we do, it will be too late.

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You're right Matt. A direct conflict with Iran would be suicidal. The neocons in charge though - Biden doesn't know what day it is - are giddy to pull the trigger. I've been expecting to see a direct hit on a U.S. warship.

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Jan 31Liked by Matthew Hoh

Love your interviews with The Judge. Wesley Clark stated years ago that the plan is to attack Iran and several other countries. Some of which has already come true. McCain sang "Bomb Bomb Iran" in 2007.

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Just finished watching a PBS documentary from 1992, "The Cuban Missile Crisis: At the Brink." The differences between the people who called the shots then and those in command now are striking. It's clear neither side was bluffing or posturing for the world's press, but also that all involved were looking for a way out of the pending crisis, rather precipitating one, which has been US foreign/military policy since Reagan was in office.

I'm old enough (70) to be able to look back and say "I miss the Cold War" which was waged by professionals on both sides, not by political appointees and military hacks. I felt safer then than I do now.

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Feb 2Liked by Matthew Hoh

Given the domestic pressures in the US, a response is inevitable. Trick is to make the Iranian regime worry even more than usual about its existence, without triggering an eschatological response. Strikes on IRGC targets would do that without angering too much the Iranian population, which has problems of its own with the Guard. The issue is inside Iran or other targets - given that the Persian imperialists care little about their agents, strikes have to be on Iranian targets to significantly affect their calculations.

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Jan 31Liked by Matthew Hoh


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when will this end

it must end it will end but how

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Jan 31Liked by Matthew Hoh

Brilliant analysis. Thank you.

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Jan 31Liked by Matthew Hoh

Would Naval Support Activity Bahrain NSA Bahrain be within range of an Iranian response?

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Like put it all on fake ass alah and Iran its over

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We will moo the floor with you Arab bastards God doesn't exist and you justify your rape and killing bu fake people u. The sky.. you are the downfall of humanity ....all religions

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